Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Memory Tricks

Bygone are the days of 'Susruta'. Now almost all the people are suffering from MEMORY problems. The ratio might be different between different people. Brain cells don't produce other brain cells and thus their death means permanent loss.

So many reasons like digestive disorders, physical weakness, typhoid, continuous stress, any of the chronic diseases, by birth mental defects and less than normal quantity of blood cause brain cell death. Absentmindedness, difficulty to memorize the lessons, forgetting to do the scheduled things, not recognising the known persons are some of the symptoms of this disease. Though brain cells cannot be produced, they can be revived in a certain manner. Here are certain ways and tricks to develop MEMORY and CONCENTRATION power:

  • Drink a glass of Beet juice everyday, you can use it as a salad too.
  • Bite a sweet apple before meal daily, to sharpen your memory.
  • Eat the watermelon seeds with watermelon fruits.
  • Use of pepper in food is beneficial to solve the memory problems.
  • Boil half a litre of milk with 4-5 leaves of 'Peepal' (Sacred Fig tree). Filter the milk and drink it with some sugar and candy mixed in it daily for a few days.
  • Take 25 grams of cream butter (Makkhan), mix some pepper, jiggery, and lick it well.
  • Regular use of ripe pumpkins as curry, and daily use of honey to strengthen your brain power.
  • Having mixed salad and regular fruit eating habit prevents memory loss.
  • Create a habit of eating two walnuts everyday; it is the panacea to increase memory power. But better soak it in water 3-4 hours prior to eating it in hot seasons.
  • Continuous use of cashews, peanuts etc work wonder in the field of increasing memory.
  • The fluid intake should be sufficient. Insufficient fluid in the body causes memory loss.
  • Cultivate the faculty of imagination. Whatever you want to remember, try to visualize it, it will help you to remember and you will enjoy it too.
  • Mental stress causes memory loss. So it should be avoided as far as possible, and be removed. The best way to remove stress and increase memory and concentration is MEDITATION. Practice meditation for 10-15 minutes every day.
  • Do some exercise daily, so that the lazy body will not effect the mind and you will feel fresh.
  • Practice some eye exercises on a daily basis. Specially turning the eyeballs right and left is most effective, after 10-12 times close eyes and do palming.
  • Performing pranayamas like Anulom Vilom, Bhramasi and asanas like Ardha Shirshaasan and Sarvangaasan are effective to improve memory and concentration.

Hope, these tricks and tips will do wonders in increasing your memory and concentration power.

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