Saturday, March 8, 2014

Woman !

She was once painted as a Man's desire of having a Wife

She had Rogue on her Cheeks, and Lipstick on her Lips
She had Enamel on her Nails, Compact to hide her Pale
She had the Liner in her Eyes, the Pin in her Nose
She was Shinning, with the Golden Earrings

Still she wasn't Shy, still she wasn't Hype

She had the Pencils in her Heels
But her Heart was hard as Steel
She had the Doll in her Arms
But no Milk to feed and feel the Charm
She was a Woman painted by Men
But that didn't Changed her Feelings

She wasn't Mom being Mom, she wasn't Daughter being Daughter
All she wants is to Feel, be Adored and celebrate being a WOMAN


  1. Nice one.... Great thinking..#RespectWoman

  2. Indeed this is true. But I wonder if men really think about it this way or just trying to impress us? ;)

    1. Well some Men do really think this way, and some just say these things to get in good books of Women.
      It's upon you to know who is who.

  3. This is very touching, we do want to be adored but unfortunately not all men this this way. Hats off to the real men in this world, that really take care of their daughters, mother, sisters, wife's and etc.

  4. loved it !! keep writing (y)

  5. I love the image which you used for this blog & truly appreciate the last line.......that is true..
